Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Little Awareness For Young Women!

Well I guess I am in my anger stage, but it makes me ANGRY and a bit upset that EVERY breast cancer awareness poster is "if you are 50 or a above or over 40 with a history of Breast cancer then get regular mammograms". I have never seen anything for 'young' women. I know it is uncommon but seriously us young women under 40 and certainly 20 something's need awareness too. I know is trying to raise awareness but I honestly never knew it could happen to women my age. I had no idea, I though maybe in my 30's but certainly not now.

 I declined my breast check at my annual pap smear but then it got me curious so I did a breast check and I felt a lump. Of course I was paranoid and went and saw a doctor within a week. I was told it was nothing of concern and that it would resolve itself over time and it was just from breastfeeding. Still not satisfied I went back and pretty much begged for an ultrasound request. He gave it to me saying how it was unecessary and that it was for my peace of mind only and it would not be covered by medicare. So of course I felt like a hypocondriac and waited 15 weeks before getting it checked since the u/s is over $300. I never wanted to spend that amount of money when the doctor made me sound like a stress case and like I was an unreasonable paranoid hypocondraic. I went to an appointment and asked a new doctor if it was worth getting the ulrasound, he was worried straight away and got me in ther next day for an unltrasound. Within 5 days I was lying on a surgeons table getting a core biopsy and within 9 day of that doctors appointment I got "You have breast cancer".

Bottom line is, DO YOUR BREAST CHECKS. If you feel a lump INVESTIGATE IT. If your doctor thinks its nothing CONFIRM with mammogram or ultrasound. Seriously I waited since April thats over 6 months I could have been treated for and god knows how fast cancer can spread. Be aware of your breasts and NEVER underestimate that you can be a victim of cancer, its unfortunate but true. I never thought it would happen to me, but I got a shock didn't I.

Please tell every woman you know to do self breast checks every month and also by a professional at their yearly pap. Early detection is key. They think they have caught mine early and I pray they have because I have too much at stake, as do all of you. Its too important to ignore!

Please pass this message as early detection can be the difference between life and death. We have too much to live for to let this get the better of us. As for me I have two gorgeous children, and a husband who loves me and great friends and family and I won't give that up for anything!!!

Also a shout out to Charlie for the Awareness Signature!! Thank you so much!

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