Friday, November 5, 2010

Now for the serious stuff

Ok well there have been some changes to my treatment plan. I have found out I am triple negative. That means I have no hormone receptors for my tumour which means I have less options for treatment and hormone therapy doesnt work. So basically if I dont respond to chemotherapy there are no other options. So lets hope chemo kicks my cancer in the butt and I can get on with life. I still need to do more research on triple negative, I am a bit scared and anxious of the unknown so I feel that research may help me overcome some of the anxiety.

Also I have my egg collection on Monday which I am looking forward to, one less procedure. I can't wait to see how many eggs fertilize and freeze well so i know my backup plan is really in effect! So by Monday thats 3 procedures in 6 weeks and I have one more prior to chemo. I am getting a port put in (also referred to as a port-o-cath) to make chemo administration easier. I go in for a smal surgery to get it implanted, basically it is an IV(canular) under my skin that can be acessed by needle and it has a tube being fed into my artery. Apparently they are less painful then IV's (especially with my terrible veins). They also leave the port in for 12 months post chemo just in case.  So two surgeries down, one to go. I am just eager for this to all be finished but I am trying to keep a positive outlook.

I have also been seeing the occupational therapist. I have no signs of lymphodema at this point but I do have lymphatic webbing. I have had some massage sessions and laser sessions and I am hoping I can get this sorted because it is rather painful. It feels like I have a single cord thats too tight stuck in my arm so I cannot straighten my arm without pain. I have to massage several times a day and do more laser therapy. My OT is hoping to 'break' the cord' so i can have relief, which she says will be instant. Here's to hoping :)

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